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You can customize individual blog posts by setting values in their frontmatter which is set at the top of your files between --- separators:

title: My blog post
date: 2024-02-17
Blog post content…

Frontmatter fields

title (required)

Type: string

The title of the blog post which will be displayed at the top of the page and in the blog post list.

title: A blog post

date (required)

Type: Date

The date of the blog post which must be a valid YAML timestamp. Posts are sorted by descending date in the blog post list.

date: 2024-03-11


Type: string[]

A list of tags associated with the blog post displayed at the bottom of a blog post and in the blog post list.

- Tag
- Another tag


Type: string

The excerpt of the blog post used in the blog post list and tags pages. If not provided, the entire blog post content will be rendered.

excerpt: A small excerpt of the blog post…


Type: StarlightBlogAuthorsConfig

The author(s) of the blog post. Check the “Authors” guide for more informations.

- Bob


Type: boolean
Default: false

Set whether this blog post should be considered a draft and not be included in production builds. Set to true to mark a blog post as a draft and make it only visible during development.

draft: true


Type: CoverConfig

Add a cover image to the top of the blog post.

alt: A beautiful cover image
image: ../../../assets/cover.png

You can display different versions of the cover image in dark and light modes.

alt: Beautiful cover images
dark: ../../../assets/cover-dark.png
light: ../../../assets/cover-light.png


type CoverConfig =
| {
// Alternative text describing the cover image for assistive technologies.
alt: string
// Relative path to an image file in your project.
image: string
| {
// Alternative text describing the cover image for assistive technologies.
alt: string
// Relative path to an image file in your project to use in dark mode.
dark: string
// Relative path to an image file in your project to use in light mode.
light: string